Today marks the commencement of hearings at the Supreme Court Karachi Registry, led by a prestigious three-member bench. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, a seasoned jurist renowned for his judicious approach, assumes the helm of this bench. Alongside him, Justice Hassan Azhar Rizvi and Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, esteemed jurists in their own right, join forces to preside over the judicial proceedings.
The mandate of this esteemed bench spans from June 10 to June 14, during which it will diligently adjudicate a spectrum of cases ranging from civil matters to criminal disputes and service-related litigations. This period signifies a crucial juncture in the legal landscape of Karachi, as the Supreme Court Registry stands poised to dispense justice and uphold the rule of law with unwavering resolve.
As the legal fraternity converges upon the Karachi Registry, expectations run high for fair and impartial hearings under the purview of Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and his esteemed colleagues. Their collective wisdom and commitment to upholding judicial integrity serve as beacons of hope for litigants seeking redressal and justice in the corridors of law.