Dairy and cattle farmers in Karachi are calling for a substantial hike in milk prices, proposing an increase of Rs80 per liter. Previously, they had agreed with the Karachi commissioner to keep the price at Rs220 per liter until December 2024. However, the farmers now seek to nullify this agreement and establish a new price of Rs300 per liter, urging the issuance of an official notification to endorse this change.
The dairy and cattle farmers association has formally submitted their request to the Karachi Commissioner, pushing for a new price notification to reflect the proposed hike. The association cites rising costs related to feed, maintenance, and transportation, which have significantly impacted their profitability.
Without this price increase, the farmers argue, they will struggle to sustain their operations and meet the market’s growing demands.
On June 13, following a round of talks with the dairy farmers association, the Karachi commissioner issued a notification setting the new retail price of milk at Rs220 per liter, marking an increase of Rs20 per liter. The wholesale and dairy farmer prices of milk have been fixed at Rs205 and Rs195 per liter, respectively.