Karachi, a bustling metropolis, faces numerous socio-economic and infrastructural challenges. Despite several master plans over the years, the city has evolved largely through ad-hoc development. The new master plan for 2047 aims to address these issues by considering local and global changes and creating a sustainable, inclusive city for the future.
Current Urban Issues
- Informal Settlements
- 60% of households live in densely populated informal settlements.
- Lack of parks, schools, and health facilities in these areas.
- Ad-hoc Development
- Much of Karachi has developed without structured planning.
- Formal areas follow European planning theories, benefiting elite residential and commercial zones.
Key Focus Areas for Development
- Retrofitting Existing Settlements
- Improve ventilation, insulation, and prevent water stagnation.
- Create open public spaces, schools, community centers, and sports areas.
- Develop accessible health facilities linked to major hospitals and mobile clinics.
- Transportation
- Current transport issues include high costs and inefficiencies.
- Explore alternatives like the three-wheeler Qingqui for cost-effective transport solutions.
- Prioritize pedestrian and commuter-friendly infrastructure.
Table: Comparison of Daily Vehicle Increases in Major Cities
City | Daily Vehicle Increase |
Karachi | 903 vehicles/day |
Delhi | 1,440 vehicles/day |
Bangkok | 1,750 vehicles/day |
Improving Public Transport
- Develop safe, well-lit pavements with benches and clean toilets to encourage walking.
- Ensure women feel safe using public transport by increasing dedicated spaces.
- Utilize vacant KMC school buildings to address transportation and education needs.
The Role of Informal Economy
- Street Economy
- Estimated 150,000 hawkers earning Rs 4,000 daily.
- Secure, aesthetic spaces for hawkers to rent from the state.
- Manufacturing Chain
- Requires cheap energy and training.
- Informal loans crucial for funding small businesses.
Table: Informal Economy Loans
Loan Type | Amount | Interest Rate |
Non-technical Business | Rs 100,000-150,000 | 8-10% per month |
Pavement Space | Variable | Dependent on location |
Addressing Housing Needs
- Retrofits for heat reduction in informal settlements.
- Create safe, green spaces for community interaction.
- Promote alternative medicine and accessible healthcare.
Youth Aspirations and Changing Demographics
- Increasing demand for public spaces, safe environments, and gender-specific facilities.
- Promote women’s participation in education and workforce.
Environmental and Heritage Protection
- Coastal and Ecological Assets
- Protect seafronts and islands from real estate development.
- Implement a regional development plan for ecological preservation.
- Urban Heritage
- Develop research institutions to support conservation efforts.
- Address the real estate pressure on heritage properties.
Community Engagement and Research
- Establish a Karachi City Museum for public engagement.
- Involve citizens in urban planning through exhibitions and discussions.
- Ensure new development plans are publicly accessible and open for feedback.
The development plan for Karachi 2047 seeks to create a sustainable, inclusive, and well-planned city. By addressing current issues, promoting efficient transportation, supporting the informal economy, and protecting the environment, Karachi can transform into a thriving metropolis that meets the needs of its diverse population.