Renowned Pakistani actress Mahira Khan recently faced backlash from social media users following the release of her holiday photos from Italy on Instagram. Khan, who is currently filming the Netflix series “Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo,” shared several images showcasing her trip, including stunning sunset views and the natural beauty of Puglia. In one photo, she wore a butter-yellow Italian silk outfit, which drew mixed reactions from her followers.
While many fans appreciated the scenic beauty and Khan’s stylish look, others criticized her for promoting “Western culture” and not adhering to traditional “Muslim values.” One Instagram user commented, “I have no objection to Mahira Khan wearing such clothes, but she should not claim in interviews that her grandmother and mother never allowed her to wear sleeveless outfits.”
This incident is not an isolated one, as Pakistani actresses often face harsh criticism for their wardrobe choices on social media. Earlier this year, Mahira was similarly targeted for wearing a sleeveless black dress with a plunging neckline at an event in Saudi Arabia, with some fans deeming her outfit inappropriate for the location.