A group of young Karachiites, under the Dua Foundation, has achieved a significant milestone by successfully cultivating Ajwa, Mazfati, and Aseel date palms in the challenging environment of Tharparkar district. Initiated in 2018, their project has seen 200 out of 500 planted trees start bearing fruit, promising a brighter future for the local farmers.
Dua Foundation Chairman Amir Khan shared that the initiative aimed to support Tharparkar’s farmers by using underground water to irrigate the newly planted date palms. The foundation provided free solar-powered tubewells to farmers who couldn’t afford irrigation, turning barren lands into productive groves.
This groundbreaking project, supported by consultation from the Pakistan Agriculture Research Council, began six years ago with palm trees sourced from Punjab, Khairpur, and Dera Ismail Khan. The successful cultivation of dates in Diplo, Khloi, and Dahli tehsils has not only provided employment opportunities but also improved the health and financial independence of the local population.
Over 60 agro-farms have been established across Thar’s tehsils, with many experimenting with date palm cultivation. A recent ceremony in Kaloi tehsil, organized by the Dua Foundation, highlighted the project’s success. Agricultural experts praised the perseverance and divine blessings that contributed to this achievement.
Chairman Amir Khan emphasized the fertility of Thar’s land, expressing optimism about the region’s agricultural potential. The flourishing date palms offer a new ray of hope for the malnourished people of Thar, promising a significant improvement in their standard of living.